Fractional CMO

Data is our Difference

There’s a big difference between marketing strategy and marketing execution. Most marketing agencies sell their services as if those two offerings are one and the same. But being skilled in both is extremely rare. This is why at large companies the CMO does not run campaigns. In fact, at most larger companies, even those with fully staffed marketing departments, the execution of the marketing strategy is usually outsourced to an agency. 

What Create
Marketing Strategies

Unlike other fractional and virtual CMO services, we start with data–your data. Specifically we begin by analyzing your key performance metrics and your analytics data. Creating strategy without data is just guess and check marketing. We’ll start by learning what’s been working and what hasn’t, how your current customers get to you, where they fall off, and what really drives traffic. Then we’ll build a strategy specifically leveraging that information to hit your targets.

Unlike traditional agencies, we don’t have a conflict of interest around your marketing spend. Since we’re not taking a percentage of your spend, we have no interest in asking you to spend more than makes sense or recommending our most profitable marketing channels to you. We’re happy to work with your internal team, an existing agency, or help you find a new agency to execute your data-driven strategy.

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Strategy Built with Your Data

We will use your data to help guide you on what strategy will help you achieve your goals.

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Finding Your Customers

Our team will ensure your marketing efforts are efficiently targeting your ideal customer.

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Sending the Right Message

We will use your business story to get the right message to the right person at the right time.

Unique Strategy
for Your Unique Business

We believe that data is the key to success in today’s fast-paced business world. By starting with your own data and leveraging it to create a custom strategy, we can help you reach your targets and achieve success.

Get the Help of a Fractional CMO Today!

Learn more about how we can help you create a data-driven marketing strategy that will set you apart from the competition.