SEO and Technical SEO Audit

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses increase their visibility online and drive traffic to their website. However, SEO is not just about using the right keywords and creating quality content. It also involves technical optimization to ensure that the website is easily crawlable and indexed by search engines.

At Daylight Strategy, we offer comprehensive SEO and technical SEO audits to help businesses improve their ability to rank online. Our audits take into account various factors, such as website design, content quality, user experience, and technical optimization.

Our SEO Audit

The SEO audit focuses on the on-page and off-page aspects of optimization, such as keyword research, meta descriptions, title tags, content quality, and link building. We also analyze the website’s traffic and engagement metrics to identify opportunities for improvement.

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Keyword Analysis

Are you ranking for the most relevant terms?

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Meta Data

Are the titles and descriptions of your pages unique and useful

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Content and Linking

Is your content informative with a network of links?

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Responsive Experience

Does your site provide an appropriate mobile experience?

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Site Speed

Is your site built to load quickly for the visitor?

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HTML Best Practices

Is your website built using HTML 5 and coding best practices?

Our Technical SEO Audit

On the other hand, technical SEO looks at the behind-the-scenes technical aspects of a website, such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, schema markup, and site architecture. These technical factors can significantly impact a website’s ability to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Once we have completed the SEO and technical SEO audits, we provide our clients with a detailed report outlining areas of opportunity for improvement. This report may include recommendations for keyword optimization, content creation, link building, and technical optimization.

One-Time Audit or Ongoing Guidance

Our team of SEO experts works closely with our clients to implement the recommended changes and ensure that their website is optimized for maximum visibility and engagement. We also provide ongoing support and analysis to ensure that our clients continue to rank high in search engine results over time.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, SEO and technical optimization are essential for businesses to succeed online. Daylight Strategy uses decades of SEO experience to help businesses improve their ability to rank online and maximize their digital potential.

Get Your Technical SEO Audit Today!

Learn how well your website is optimized for SEO
and for your customers.